
Chemistry Lab

Our Chemistry lab is equivalent to any other high graded chemistry lab. It is a place where students give practical shape to written work.The lab is equipped with all the apparatus and chemicals required for the performance of experiments like Salt Analysis, Volumetric Analysis etc.

Physics Lab

The Physics lab is equipped with a wide variety of apparatus which supplement and strengthen concepts learned in the class room. Experiments in Physics labs are explained to and done by students with care given to all intricate details of each of them. So that once imbibed, they remain in the young minds for future times.

Computer Lab

A well equipped computer lab with internet facilities enables the Computer Science students to attain the latest knowledge in C++ programming, databases and also web programming. The lab is also utilized by Commerce students and Bio Science students for doing Mathematics &Computerized Accounting workshops .

Botany and Zoology Labs

Our spacious and well ventilated Biology Lab caters to the latest and most modern facilities.  The lab ensures that the practical knowledge is placed on an equal footing with theoretical knowledge for the all round development of the student.