Principal's Message


“ Life brings tears, smiles and memories. The tears dry, the smile fades, but the memories last forever.”

                      A hundred iconic years have gone by. These years have witnessed the blossoming of this fledgling from a primary school into a higher secondary school.We accomplished it only because of the vision of our Foundress , Mother Teresa of St.Rose of Lima ,who had laid the keystone in our minds.
                      At times, we are stuck, stymied, frustrated. But we got the strength to cross all these by the relentless persistence of our mother who struggled to articulate a method of excellence in any and all situations. She had shown us that the obstacle is a way: The timeless art of turning trials into triumph, changing any adversity into greatness.

                     I am proud to say that we have done our maximum to impart holistic education to the students, thus to fulfill the vision and mission of our Foundress Mother Teresa of St. Rose of Lima the passionate follower of Jesus the Master.

                When we share our energy, talents, time and wealth for the upliftment of the other, God contribute his share. I have experienced intensely the hand of God at work in the great and small events of the school. Believe that nothing is impossible with God. The more the problems, the greater should be our determination; the more is the darkness, the greater is the need for us to be the light; the more is the indifference, the greater should be our sensitivity.

                 I am not successful in showcasing and advertising all the achievements and success of our school. We have not applied for any awards and honours. But I am convinced that we are able to touch many lives, befriended those in periphery and became a companion in their pursuit of growth.

                My hearty congratulations and thanks to all my colleagues who always work silently behind the curtain to make the vision of our foundress a reality.

Thank you